Our projects

Eng4Life is an innovative start-up with the aim of industrializing basic research. Thanks to the spin-off activity, it is possible to implement applied research (industrial research and experimental development), in order to make product and process innovations operational.

Our latest projects are:


Iron (II) liposomal

Bioadhesive liposomes

Microexativa is a project promoted by the Campania region through the European Social Fund POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014/2020.

The “Iron (II) liposomal” project consists in the production of highly bioavailable iron encapsulating nano-liposomal vectors with continuous technique.

Since 2018 Eng4Life owns the patent “Process for preparing nanoliposomes comprising micronutrients and food products comprising said nanoliposomes”.

The ” Bioadhesive liposomes” project consists of the production of nano-liposomal vectors coated with bioadhesive polymers for nutraceutical applications.

Since 2019 Eng4Life owns the patent “Continuous process for coating liposomial vectors with polymer”.